I wish I could say that I had a fabulously amazing weekend. It was alright. The fact remains that the next week and a half are going to be NOTHING compared to Miami and the boat.

Saturday was the grocery store and hanging out around the house doing household things… I really don’t remember what else we did. Today (Sunday) was church and then home for lunch before hitting the local amusement park.

For the first time this year, I was on a roller coaster! WOO! My husband took our boys while my daughter and I went off on our own. The first thing she and I did was to ride the Twister. It was fun!!! Then we went on the Cosmotron, an indoor Himalaya ride with loud music and a light show. The song they played for our ride was Separate Ways by Journey and I was exceedingly pleased and proud to look over and see my daughter jamming out and singing along to every word! I was fine when we went on the Phoenix (roller coaster) as well as when we went on the Log Flume. I was NOT fine when she decided she wanted to go on the Paratroopers.

I used to LOVE rides. All rides. Any ride!!! High, low, spinning, swinging, you name it. When I was younger, my mom would go on the Paratrooper with me and while I’d me yelling and having a great time, she always looked a little green around the gills.

Now I understand why.

I hate to admit that I’m not as young as I used to be! This ride which you can see here starts out nice and level on the platform. Then it starts going around in a circle. THEN, while spinning, part of it goes up in the air. I did NOT feel good after that ride.

When I finally found my land legs again, my daughter and I met back up with the boys and we let the kids on a few more rides. Then it was the requisite train ride before heading back out to the parking lot, and the home.

We had a good time today, but man oh man am I tired!!! It was warm out and I was wearing jeans. Why, you ask? Well, I have an appointment in a week for a wax. If you’ve never waxed, it really is the best and worst thing you can do for yourself. It doesn’t hurt, at least not really. It pulls. There are only two or three places on my legs where it was “OW!” and then fine. And not even a loud ow… Just…well, anyway. It took about 45 minutes last time I had it done, so I’m expecting about the same this time. After the wax, I won’t have to shave my legs for about a month! That’s the good part. The bad part is that you have to let the hair grow for two weeks before you have the wax done…and I’m a shave every other day kinda girl in the warm weather. If would be one thing if this was the winter and I didn’t have to worry about it…

Anywho, I’m done talking about waxing. It’s going to be a busy week for me. I have a LOT to accomplish in the next 10 days before I can relax and start really panicking about this trip. Ha! It still doesn’t seem real to me that I’m going, but I’m pretty sure I’ve said all along that I’m not going to believe it until it’s happening. Even then I’m quite certain I’ll be constantly pinching myself.

It’s really happening, though, kids!!! Two weeks from now, we’ll be on the boat! Eleven days until I’m leaving on that plane. Twelve days until I’m sipping fruity drinks on the Lido deck!!! Time she is a’flyin!

Also, on the dream front, I’ve dreamed that this cruise was a ploy to kidnap us all and turn us into slave labor, and that we got to the port only to discover that Carnival Victory was actually the RMS Titanic. Yup… Strange dreams abound.