What a weekend!!! I spent Saturday morning and early afternoon grocery shopping and then cleaning and rearranging my boys bedroom. Then I went out to lunch with my dad. There was a LOT more that happened on Saturday, but it’s family stuff and I’m not really going to get into it here. Just trust me when I say that Saturday was a VERY long day, and even more so for my sister and her husband. (we’re all fine, it was just stressful)

Today was Easter. I did up the baskets before I went to sleep last night (this morning) and the kids were up at 4:30 asking if they could play with their new toys. My husband and I were NOT happy. We managed to delay them until just before 8am. I rolled out of bed, started coffee, made breakfast, and tried not to fall asleep in the kitchen. By the time the coffee was ready, the counters were clean and I was starting my dough for the dinner rolls. (yes, I make my own bread for big meals) Once the dough was done, I made Rice Krispy treats to have for dessert. The morning flew by; we missed Sunday school and barely made it to the service on time.

Church was nice, but it was raining when we left. That meant that the Easter egg hunt at my in-laws was postponed. I spend the afternoon cleaning and cooking instead of rushing about. My sister-in-law and her kids came over. Then my mom came over. We had a nice meal and my body hates me right now for eating so much.

Easter is over! Another milestone has passed! Another month is gone! By the time you’re reading this, it’s mostly likely already April. Three months gone from this year! A month and a half until we’re Miami bound. We should be getting cruise themes soon, and by soon I mean REAL soon and not NKOTB soon. We ALL know what I mean. It’s coming down to the wire!

Can you tell I’m excited?

I’m also very tired. While it’s the end of the weekend, it was a busy weekend. My kids have off school tomorrow and we have a TON to do. School pictures are on Tuesday (our school does fall and spring pictures) and my kids need haircuts. I meant to do it last week, but I kept forgetting. Also, my daughter’s lenses keep falling out of her glasses, so I hope to order her a new pair. This pair she’s had for a while and neither myself nor my husband think they were ever made correctly, as the lenses have always popped out.

I’ve a lot more on my plate for tomorrow, but my stomach is seriously turning. Time to guzzle some water and go to bed before I get sick…a sure sign that I ate too much. Ugh… And I didn’t really eat that much!!!

…although I did have two Rice Krispy treats.