Seven days until I’m loading up my car and heading to Miami. Seven days (and fifteen hours from now) I’ll be getting on a plane. Seven days…

Not possible.

I deep cleaned the kitchen and dining rooms today. I started a deep clean on the living room. We keep the place picked up, but every now and then you need to get on your hands and knees and clean the shit out of your place. My arms ache from all the scrubbing, but the house is getting clean. You see, I hate going away and coming home to a dirty house. Granted, my husband will be here, but I’ll sleep better knowing that the shelves and drawers of the refrigerator were taken out and cleaned.

Tonight was the last choir practice until the fall for the choirs at my church. My kids sing this weekend for Mother’s Day and then they’re done until fall. The Sanctuary Choir still has about a month left, but our rehearsals are finished. Another milestone done. No more choir rehearsals until September. …well, except for my Bicentennial Choir. That keep going until June 9th. I’ll miss it; I always do. I love to sing and will keep doing so in my house, but it’s nice to have new music to learn and work on and perform. Oh well. I’ll live. Ha!

I have a migraine. It started earlier today and has only gotten worse. I suspect that this weekend might be just a touch hellish for me. Better this weekend than next weekend, though. While I hate dealing with these things, it’s nice to know I’m getting it over with now.

On the dream front, I dreamed last night that it was time to go to the meet and greet. They had up lined up in some very narrow halls with stark white walls and we weren’t allowed to talk. When it was time to go into the room, we were told to walk across without saying a word and to go where we were told. The guys were very standoffish, sitting in chairs and loudly complaining to each other about how boring these photo sessions were. I was placed next to Donnie, who refused to get up, and told that I was supposed to just sit on the floor by his feet for the picture. Apparently I didn’t follow directions well enough because before they even took a picture, Danny was yelling about where I was and I was kicked out. It was nuts…

Seven days. I’m not packed. I’ve still not printed my cruise docs. I started working on my door decorations, but when I went outside to get my kids off the bus, my youngest took a pen to my poster board. It’ll get done. I still have seven days.