This will be the fifth NKOTB cruise. The first year they announced it, I was SO UPSET that I had to miss it. I felt the same for the next three cruises as well. When it was announced that this cruise, the fifth, would be on a ship that I’ve been on, I really felt that it was a sign that I should go. Now, I’m not so sure.

I feel selfish. There a LOT of money going into this trip! I mean, A LOT OF MONEY!!! When all is said and done, we will have put the equivalent of three months worth of house payments into one five day trip.

I’m going alone. I was going to group this into my “selfish” bit, but it really needs to be separate. I never go anywhere without my kids. …well, I rarely go anywhere without them. Thursday nights I go to choir, and one other day every week or two I get to go to another choir practice. There were times I was away for a while with the wedding I was in back in December. Last July, my husband and I got away for an overnight. Before that was the cruise with my dad in 08. I was also reminded the other day that I went out for American Idol back in 2004. That was two days in DC. (One of the pictures I took was published in a Random House book about reality TV! lol) I know it seems like a lot, but it really isn’t. I go to Boston all the time, and I ALWAYS take the kids. Actually, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be allowed over the state line without them! HA! With the money for this trip, we could take a week-long vacation as a FAMILY, just the five of us. This is something that we’ve never done and now, because of this cruise, I don’t think we’re going to be able to for a while yet.

I’m too old for this. No, I’m not saying that I’m old. What I’m saying is that I’m too old for this party cruise. It’s party after party after party. Drinking and dancing and screaming and dancing and drinking. No sleep. It’s ten after ten right now and I am SO DONE with the day! I’m not really into loud music, as it creates this massive ringing in my ears and then I can’t hear anything. I have NEVER been into the dance club scene. Maybe it’s because my town sucks, but I much preferred the karaoke bar to the loud, sweaty, meat-market in town.

I’m not a groupie. MOST of the people on this boat will be decent human beings, but I know that there will be some just looking for a piece of the guys. They will flaunt their wares to anyone who could possibly get them closer, and I do NOT tolerate that sort of self-disrespect. I’m also usually very vocal in my displeasure and do NOT want to end up in a fight because of some hoochie who’s just looking for her brush with fame. Along the same vein, I have no filter and if I see someone doing something stupid, I’ll say something. It might be under my breath, but something will be said.

I want more from my vacation than standing around or suffering a migraine. I’ve been watching a LOT of video’s on youtube and they’re all the same: Girls wait for NKOTB to show up. Girls stand around while NKOTB does their thing. Girls scream like banshees because NKOTB are there. On the beaches, there’s still more standing around, be it for games, for music, for waiting… Then the guys show and there’s more screaming. Pushing. Shoving. Petty, catty, middle school shit. I know that I could avoid all of that. I know that I could take this trip, see what I want to see, go to the shows I want to go to, and sleep when I feel tired. What’s the point of that? This is a New Kids on the Block cruise! It isn’t a normal cruise! There won’t be normal passengers. There will be above average alcohol consumption. Did I mention that I stopped going to the bar YEARS ago because I severely dislike being around large quantities of drunk people?

It almost doesn’t seem worth it. The more I think about it, the less I want to go. I don’t know if it is nerves, attitudes, reality… I don’t know! It could be that seasonal depression that I’ve mostly avoided this winter. I just don’t know. If I had to choose right now, and I knew that I would get all the money back that I’ve put in thus far, I’d cancel, no questions asked. Right now, I feel really bad about this trip and really selfish for even wanting to go. I love the women I’ve met because of this cruise, and if I never met them face to face, I would still love them because they’re amazing women.

I don’t know what tomorrow holds. I don’t know where my spirits will be this weekend, next week, next month. I’m having serious second thoughts over something I thought I’ve wanted to do since cruise one was announced. I’m confused as all hell, but tomorrow is another day. Another day closer. One hundred days until I leave…if I leave…